Kamper Photographs Incredible Women for EQ Living
We just posted a small group of what we call "Incredible Women" It's been a series I've wanted to do for quite a while and was inspired by watching my Mom managing and owning restaurants in NYC as I was growing up. Every woman is Incredible and Amazing in their own way. My job is to bring out that inner beauty, strength and accomplishment and portray it in the blink of an eye. Take a look at our blog and let me know if it's working.
Kamper Photographs Powerful Women for EQ Living
Sometimes, dreams do come true; a fact proven recently when photographer George Kamper received the dream job by Equestrian (EQ) Living to meet with and photograph a number of incredibly accomplished women and their favorite steeds.
The series, which had George travel across the country on a number of occasions, involves captivating personalities like Mindy Peters, Ann Leary, Kelly Klein, Martha Stewart, Eileen Rockefeller and Georgina Bloomberg. And as if that wasn't enough, George also got an opportunity to ride down beautifully green forest paths on one of Eileen's horse carriages!
Mindy Peters
Ann Leary
Kelly Klein
Martha Stewart
Eileen Rockefeller